"Better Training for Safer Food" (BTSF) is a Commission initiative aimed at organising a Community (EU) training strategy in the areas of food law, feed law, animal health and animal welfare rules, as well as plant health rules.

The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) puts into practice this initiative by managing all phases of projects, from launch of calls for tender to evaluations of offers, award of contracts, and supervision of implementation.

The main objective of the initiative "Better Training for Safer Food" is the organisation and development of a Community training strategy with a view to:

• Ensuring and maintaining a high level of consumer protection and of animal health, animal welfare and plant health;

• Promoting a harmonised approach to the operation of Community and national control systems;

• Creating an equal level playing field for all food businesses;

• Enhancing trade of safe food;

• Ensuring fair trade with third countries and in particular developing countries.

Training is designed for all staff of competent authorities of Member States involved in official control activities so as to keep them up-to-date with all aspects of Community law in the areas specified above and ensure that controls are carried out in a more uniform, objective and adequate manner in all Member States.

Training is also open to participants from third countries and specific training courses are organised for third country participants on the spot so as to familiarise them with EU requirements. This should help to ease access to the EU market for products from developing countries. For more information on training activities, please visit the following website: